Our Work in the News

Re: The U.S. academic job market survives the SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic (link)

As professors struggle to recruit postdocs, calls for structural change in academia intensify - Science Careers - June 2022

Re: Research culture: A survey-based analysis of the academic job market (link)

How to land a faculty job - Nature Index: News - December 2019

The path to professorship by the numbers and why mentorship matters - Nature: Behavioural and Social Sciences - October 2019

Insights from a survey-based analysis of the academic job market - preLights - December 2019

Dealing with uncertainty in the academic job market by Chris Smith - The POSTDOCket, National Postdoctoral Association 18(6)

The importance of informational interviews by Chris Smith - Inside HigherEd - June 2020

Fifteen to one: how many applications it can take to land a single academic job offer - Nature: Career News - July 2020

Daunting but doable: Job searching after a postdoc - Science - August 2020

Getting your professorship an interview with Amanda Haage - The Naked Scientists - October 2020